Digital accordion Digit Air Pro – Beyond promises: Reality!
The Digit AiR Pro is the independent digital accordion that works wirelessly and is an evolving model.
It’s a highly efficient MIDI accordion with enormous possibilities and an exciting future.
This model is directly derived from the Digit AiR, but offers many more possibilities. It’s an “open” model which enables complete programming. This way, you can make use of the sounds in any way you see fit, mix several sounds, insert your MP3s on the USB key, adjust the reverb… It comes with the AiR app which allows you to easily take control of your Digit, all this with no wires. Thanks to the iPad, exploring its capabilities is easy.
This is the intermediary model of our range, which in technical terms comes just before the Digit AiR Millenium.
Discover the potential of this model throughout the following narrative.