Micros IMAC et IMAC Pro

IMac & IMac Pro Microphones

The accordion has always been a complicated instrument to amplify, especially the left hand, which is in constant movement and therefore has no fixed point. Now, there’s a solution! Discover the all new systems:

IMAC ”Integrated Microphone Accordion by Cavagnolo”

The IMac and IMac Pro Microphones are available for and can equip all types of accordions!

Specially conceived for accordions, the IMAC is like no other.

Try it for yourself.


Can be integrated into all types of accordions

Thanks to its CMS technology, the IMac & IMac Pro Microphones can equip any type of accordion. Our technicians install the right capsule for the height of your accordion.

The IMAC is a universal mic, adaptable for all accordions of any brand – big or small, diatonic or chromatic!


Capturing sound evenly

The IMAC system ensures even coverage of the whole range of sound of the accordion. The circuits are equipped with several capsules, which allow for comprehensive capturing of sound both on right and left hand.

For reference, a Cavagnolo Vedette 10 Compact (96 basses) contains 5 capsules on the right hand, spread throughout the height of the instrument.


Moving left hand, static sound capture

The IMAC is installed right inside your instrument, as close to the reeds as possible. A pianissimo on the left hand will be performed with immense precision, even with the large bellows open!

In whichever state of opening or closing of the bellows, the IMAC cells will capture the music at an equal level, whether the notes are low, middle or high. The sound is reproduced in perfect uniformity.



High Quality sound capture

What could be more natural than the ‘au naturel’?

The IMAC was designed for neutral sound capture, so as to not skew the sound of your accordion.

You accordion will preserve its natural presence, without losing its musical colour.

The IMAC guarantees reliable sound capture which doesn’t influence the natural timbre of the instrument.


Pure sound, peace of mind!

Would it be possible to amplify an accordion without worrying about feedback?

YES! The IMAC has integrated “anti-feedback” technology. You won’t be able to find it at fault here.

And this is not its only asset. It has no tolerance for parasitic noises made by the mechanics of your instrument. It diminishes these sounds with great care!


Correct your sound from your accordion!

It can often be difficult to make yourself understood on stage for subtle corrections, as well as equalising right/left hand volume or bass and treble. 

For optimal comfort, the IMAC allows you to independently adjust the volume of your right and left hand on the accordion. You are perfectly autonomous, thanks to two potentiometers placed on the grill of the accordion.

With the IMAC Pro, as well as volume, you have an independent equaliser to obtain precise sounds. You remain in control of your sound at all times, in every situation.


Room and confort on stage!

You’re going to gain time from the installation of your equipment. With the IMAC, gone are the unsightly microphone stands placed in front of you. You have the freedom to move around without constantly worrying if your accordion is well-placed in front of the mics.

The slim, streamlined circuits of the IMAC are situated under the grill of your accordion for the right hand, and under the left hood for the other hand.


Light and pleasing to the eye, you'll be able to move around!

The IMAC is invisible, so the aesthetics of your accordion are not altered by added accessories which need setting up and taking down in order to store your instrument in its case.

It’s also light as a feather, so it doesn’t weigh your accordion down.

What else? It’s also easy to connect a wireless system to do away with the only cable which allows your entire accordion to be amplified.


Quality, reliability, and innovation.

The IMAC and IMAC Pro mics use very quiet components and amplifiers. 

These high-precision components ensure low harmonic distortion, to guarantee faithfully reproduced sound.
IMAC and IMAC Pro were created with a unique, patented  Shock Mount® system, in order to best isolate mechanical sounds.
Thanks to this technology, the sound is clearer and more natural.
The Neutrik ® connections guarantee optimal electric contacts with the wiring of the mics.
The high quality sealed potentiometers prevent dust from entering the contacts, therefore ensuring prolonged durability and life of the volume control circuit.
IMAC and IMAC Pro use high quality locking connectors and terminal plates, offering optimal connection quality.

IMAC Characteristics


Right hand keyboard mics

Cardioid directivity mics (directional)
Frequency response:     70 Hz 20kHz ± 3dB
Signal-to-noise ratio:       56 dB to 1kHz
Maximal sound pressure: 130 dB S.P.L.


Left hand mic

Micro omnidirectionnel

Omnidirectional Mic
Frequency response:      50Hz 20kHz ±3dB
Signal-to-noise ratio:   60 dB to 1kHZ  
Maximal sound pressure:  122 dB S.P.L.


IMAC exit connector : P10 mono (2X P10 mono or stereo exit on request).

IMAC Pro Characteristics


Right hand keyboard mics

Cardioid directivity mics (directional)
Frequency response:    50Hz 22kHz ± 3dB
Signal-to-noise ratio:       67 dB to 1kHz
Maximal sound pressure: 147 dB S.P.L.


Left hand mic

Omnidirectional Mic
Frequency response:     60 Hz 20kHz ±3dB
Signal-to-noise ratio:     67 dB to 1kHZ
Maximal sound pressure:  147 dB S.P.L.


IMAC exit connector : P10 mono (2X P10 mono or stereo exit on request).

They use it

  • Richard Galliano
  • Ludovic Beier
  • Aurélien Noel
  • Eric Bouvelle
  • Les frères Maulus
  • Stéphane Courtot Renoux
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